Saturday, 1 November 2014


It is blowing a gale outside.  I was going to go shopping, do some I think maybe I will stay inside.  I'll have to hang the laundry in the house, or maybe under the carport, as I am pretty sure my portable laundry line, though very stable, will become airborne.  And then I will have to go around town collecting lost knickers, because as I like my cotton granny-panties, I am sure they will make excellent kites.  And it is supposed to be windier tomorrow.  Ugh.  Stupid Roaring 40s.  Always windy this time of year.

I got two packages this morning!  More pee sticks, which I am resisting using since I am only 7dpo and they will be negative regardless, and more knickers, which are in the washing machine now.  I am still awaiting my mug from the podcast.  I love getting packages.  I am really excited about this mug too!! 

Now, a confession.  When I first moved to New Zealand, I sort of forgot about Halloween, because they don't really do it here.  But of course, we had a small handful of kids come trick or treating, and I was caught out with no candy.  I felt terrible.  I am an American.  I should be prepared for this, even if no one really does it here, I should be ready.  So over the past few years, I have made a point of having candy on hand, and have handed it out to the four kids that go trick or treating.  Maybe it was 6 kids.  So this year I bought some candy, 24 mini chocolate bars (yes, I am prepared to give each kid about 4-5 of these...its not like there are many kids here that go trick or treating or make it to my door).  And no kids have come.  Which means I am eating all the chocolate. 

But it doesn't stop there.  I am eating ALL THE THINGS, and have been for the past week.  I haven't gained a kilo yet, which is sort of miraculous really.  I need to get this under control again, and get my ass back out running.  Or at least walking. 

But the wind.  I hate hate HATE running in the wind.  It isn't as bad as biking in the wind, but it still sucks.  And it will probably be windy here for the next four weeks.  Grumble grumble.  So today, after the housework and the Gopher's hockey game (I am a rabid fan and listen online), I will pop a podcast on my ipod, grab my "noise-cancelling" headphones, and go for a nice long walk.  In the wind.  I am a week or two behind on most podcasts.  Who knows, maybe I have won another coffee mug! 

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